with a book and a cup of tea

I love books with a very special atmosphere. I have to feel them. I love reading both inside and outside, to every weather. "Nice weather" is - of course - nice. But I also enjoy "bad weather" (I really love it) - inside the house cuddled up in a blanket or outside, enjoying the storm, the rain or the snow. I really adore it. I love drinking tea while reading and I love eating my favourite snacks.


My favourite genres include

- Fantasy (and most sub-genres)

- Classics (not all of them...)

- (Gothic) Romantic literature

- Everything 19th & 18th century

- Spiritual, Religious & Philosophical books

- Steampunk & Steamfantasy

- Magical Realism

- Mystery (partly)

- Science-Fiction (partly)

- sometimes crime and romance, but mainly inside of the other genres


I don't read

- Chick lit

- Problem books

- Teen lit

- books with TOO much sex or violence

- really depressive books

- books with a lack of atmosphere

- Science Fiction & Mystery (partly) - really disgusting horror books


I also want to become a writer myself.